I had been thinking about how I use my memory. I would say 80% of the time when I access a memory of a past event, it would be about what had gone wrong in that situation. This not only causes me stress and anxiety but also (if you believe in the Law of Attraction), sets up a chain of events to carry that negative thought into the present moment and attract it into my future (if that thought is repeated over and over, which then forms a belief).
Then it came to me, like an epiphany! What if when you think about that same event, you focus on the positive aspect of it? How would that change that situation? So I thought about the same event in a positive way and not only did I begin to feel better, but also a peacefulness descended on me, propelling me into thinking future events about that topic, would be happy and positive too.
Here’s an example:
When you think about a particular person in your life, do you remember all the negative aspects of the interaction with that person or all the positive aspects? So say it’s a colleague you don’t get along with at work. Every time you think about that person and your interactions, it may be about the conflict you had with that person. But what if you search your memory banks and find a positive interaction with that person? Does it make you feel better when you think about them?
I’m going to test this idea out and see if by focusing on a positive memory about the situation, it changes how that event plays out in the future.